Fortunately, I didn't lost any data concerning the Doryen projects, but this was the only computer where I could compile libtcod with mingw32. For some odd reason, the windows mingw32 doesn't work on my desktop computer. Until I find why, I'll probably have to compile the mingw32 version on my Linux virtual machine...
Some news about libtcod. I should release a new 1.4.1 beta soon with a few fixes and doc updates (mainly stuff added for the portraits in TCOD). I tried to make it work with python 3 but there are still a few pitfalls. You'll have to stick with python 2.5 or 2.6 for a few more weeks.
Christmas hollydays stopped my momentum on the portrait stuff and I'm still undecided wether I should keep working on it or switch to Arena for a few weeks. The last release is almost 6 months old. Too long for such a small game...